A Good Day To Have a Good Day

I have been a little under the weather and then we’ve had a couple gloomy days in the forecast and I’ve just felt kind of blah.  I haven’t had any big projects or assignments due so I’ve had to really push myself to stay focused and motivated to get anything done.  Do you have times like that where you feel you’re in a rut?  As soon as you wake up in the morning your attitude sets the tone for the day.  Why not make it a good day to have a good day?  I saw this sentence on an episode of Fixer Upper and just thought it made a lot of sense.

A couple of years ago when my kids were a little younger, I remember we had a ton of after school activities on Wednesdays.  We would actually call it “Wow Wednesdays.”  But we would gear up each Wednesday morning and prepare ourselves to make it through the day.  We just had to set the tone right from the start.  We could be glass half full or half empty.  We chose from the very beginning to just get through it with a good attitude.  There was no point in dwelling on all the things we had to do that day.  It was too overwhelming to focus on that.  We just took every activity one step at a time and focused on completing each task at hand.  That really helped us keep a positive attitude.

Pink flowers and pink artwork. www.jennelyinteriors.com

Making a choice each day to be happy is something that takes positivity and effort.  Think of the little things that we take for granted. At the end of the day I try to think of several things that just made my day special such as; the sun shining, being on time, seeing an old friend, and getting my favorite magazine in the mail.  Ending my day on a positive note helps me have closure and be thankful for the things that are going well.  Of course things are going to go wrong.  There will be those days that I’m not productive and I have doubts about my creativity and projects I’m working on.  However, I can steer myself in the right direction with a positive attitude.



Pink flowers and chocolate cookies.


2 thoughts on “A Good Day To Have a Good Day

  1. This post was exactly what I’ve been needing, Jenn! The last few weeks have been pretty disheartening because it doesn’t feel like I’m making any progress at work or with wedding planning. I really need to take a step back though and remind myself of all the good surrounding me – I used to do that every night and need to get back in the habit!

    xo – Michelle

    1. Michelle,
      I’m so glad this post was helpful. Your motivational posts always put me in the right frame of mind so I’m glad one of mine helped you. I hope when you find the venue you can enjoy the wedding planning process a little more. Especially trying the catering menu and choosing your cake. That is always my favorite part of party planning.

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