February flew by and brought with it some crazy weather for us in VA. We went to Disney and of course loved the weather in Florida. We came home and surprisingly had a couple days in the high 60’s here as well. That was a lovely way to return from vacation. However, I say this as my kids are on their third snow day and I have eight girls over at my house. Our temps are in the teens and boy when this stuff came down it stuck and was sheer ice. Our area really doesn’t know how to deal with snow. If we get an inch or two there is pandemonium and school is closed for days, However, I enjoy that time with my kids. Especially if the days are banked and they don’t have to make them up.
If you’re a make up lover or a beginner with make make up you will probably love my new favorite APP this month called Plum Perfect. You snap a selfie and within minutes popular make up brands such as Laura Mercier and Urban Decay are giving you make up options that would work for your skin type. Give it a try and let me know how much you love it too.
I’m also really enjoying my Bowflex Treadclimber. I have a gym membership to Anytime Fitness and my family tends to work out together, but I really wanted a machine to have at home. I really fell in love with this machine. I can listen to music or watch tv in the privacy of my own home and workout with out having to leave the house or worry about waiting for a machine. I would definitely recommend this machine and Bowflex was very easy to work with.
Speaking of working out, you have to have the latest in work out equipment. For Christmas I got the Beats Wireless Headphones. At the gym I’m sporting my new pink and gray headphones that are so awesome and quite easy to use. All you have to do is have the bluetooth sync with your music apparatus and then you are set to workout. It comes in handy at the gym. Once when I was running I was too far back from my phone and it went tumbling down on the treadmill. It made such a loud noise and of course interrupted my workout. I’m so excited to be using this new product. No more embarrassing treadmill mess ups.
Last but not least, what are you watching this month? I am in love with Criminal Minds. Guys if you’re not watching this get on it. There are 9 seasons to enjoy and boy am I into this show. Some of them are pretty creepy, but the characters are very believable and Dr. Spencer Reid is my fave. This show will have you thinking twice before you open your door to a stranger.
Make sure you’re following me on all my social media and leave a comment below about some new shows for me to watch or Apps for me to try.
Yours Truly,