Do you have to travel during the holidays? A lot of us do. So many people have food restrictions and allergies that I thought it might be a good idea to put some tips for traveling while trying to maintain your eating habits. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your health because you have to travel for a week. It may take some planning and prep work on your part. That is a small price to pay to stay on track and have peace of mind that you will be eating the healthy food you packed.
These tips are mainly for road trips with your family. You may be able to adapt them for flying as well, but you would need to research what you could take on a flight. The key is to take foods that are high in fiber and protein and to stay away from sugary foods and drinks. You also want to take practical food that will hold up and not crush when packed. For example, I have realized that if I’m packing a sandwich, bagel thins hold up much better than bread and are about the same calories.
Also, if you are traveling with kids you want to keep your car in as good of shape as possible. I like to use the plastic containers from the dollar store or Target. You can either get the ones that are sectioned off or one that is completely open. This helps keep their food in one location instead of all over your car. Then you can also pass food back and forth in the containers. I have also seen where people get cookie sheets and use them as big placemats. It’s up to you and what works best. I know you do not want your family to get “HANGRY.” Having your food already with you will help with getting too hungry.
Keep perishable foods in a cooler with the cool packs. It doesn’t really matter which one you take. It depends on how much food you are taking and the amount of space you have in your car. You will also want to take portable water bottles so you can continue to fill those up along the way. We have Hydro Flasks. Those are a little pricy so if that is not in your plan get something else.
Here are some snacks that have worked for us when traveling:
Hummus and veggies, Baby Bel cheese, Chobani yogurt, Justine’s Nut Butter packs, hard boiled eggs (peeled), Smart Pop, Rx Bars, Lara Bars, cheese cubes, apples, frozen grapes, applesauce, dried fruit, guacamole, crackers, cucumbers & Ranch, dark chocolate, trail mix, sandwiches, Cliff Bars, celery, and pretzels.
The big thing is to try your best and try not to stress about it. It does get easier with time and experience. You learn as you go. Just try to enjoy your trip and have fun with your family. Take note of what worked and what was a fail. Then next time remember so you can use that for making the trip better. Enjoy your holiday!