Happy New Year. Can you believe It’s 2015???? We are leaving 2014 and all its wonderful memories behind. Do you make New Years Resolutions in January? I’m not one that really sits down and makes resolutions. I’m more of an, I’m going to try to live my best life a better person and be the best mom/wife I can be. I try to reflect and make sure I’m truly listening to where God wants me, but other than that I think of September as more of a new beginning than January. When a new school year starts and everything seems fresh and new, that is when I really slow down and take an account of how I’ve been handling all my goals. Notice I said goals and not resolutions.

However, I love to get a new planner and start filling in all the wonderful things I’m going to do in the new year. A lot of times I think we think of what we’re doing wrong and how we want to better ourselves, but I also want to think back on 2014 and think about what things were AMAZING!!!!
Here are a couple highlights of my 2014….I turned 40 in NYC with my mom and sister. Boy did we have a tremendous 3 days. I also started this blog late November and have been enjoying getting to know readers and bloggers who are becoming fast friends. I began running in the summer and plan on doing a 5k with my kids in the spring. I also celebrated my 19th wedding anniversary in July. As 2014 ends, I want to think about my plans for 2015 and jump right in.
I definitely have goals for blogging. I’m very new at this, but I do want to stay consistent and grow my readership. I really enjoy learning everything about this topic as I can see me sticking with it for the long haul. If you are a seasoned blogger and would like to be my mentor please contact me at www.yourstrulyjennely@gmail.com. I would love any help I can get.
The first project I finished in 2015 was putting away and organizing all my Christmas decorations. However, I have plenty of ideas that I want to get started on right away. We have a lot of guests staying with us this year and I want to redo the guest room, finish off my office, decorate the kid’s sleepover lounge and get seating for our movie room. That’s a pretty ambitious list, but I’m looking forward to having some set projects to work on. Of course, I will be documenting and sharing these projects with you as they are completed. Do you have any projects at home or work that you are excited about this year? I would love to hear about them in the comments below. Take care and have a fabulous 2015.
Yours Truly,