Do you have the winter blues? I know for me, putting away my Christmas decor makes me very sad. You have all those twinkling lights and beautiful decorations and they make you feel so happy. Then you also have the time home with your family and all of it together is almost magical. Today’s post is going to give you some ideas to help you get rid of the winter blues.
Right after New Years I want it to be spring. In Virginia it doesn’t snow that much. The last couple of years we have had unusual winter weather, but if it’s not going to be a beautiful snow that we can play in, then I’m ready for spring. I do not deal well with winter weather. I would rather be hot then cold.
You don’t need to have a beach home or live in Florida or California year round to ward off the winter blues. There are some things you can do to make sure the winter months are manageable. Try these tips and see if they help.
Tips For Getting Rid of Winter Blues
Have Fresh Flowers in the house- Fresh flowers always make me feel better. They brighten my day as soon as I see them. You don’t have to have anything expensive. You can get an inexpensive arrangement each week when you go to the grocery store. I think they will brighten your day.
Exercise with a friend- Exercising makes you feel good and is good for you. You feel like you have accomplished something productive in your day. Exercising with a friend holds you accountable and gives you social interaction for the day. Both are great for the winter blues.
Make your home feel cozy in the winter- I did a whole post on this topic for a design challenge with Douglas Elliman. I was asked to transition from my Christmas decor and show how to make your home feel warm and cozy for the winter. If your decor gives you the warm fuzzies you will want to spend time there. You can check out that mood board post here.
Do a before and after project- Having a project to work on is a great mood changer. Anytime I have a set goal that I’m working toward gets me excited to see the end product. Before and afters are even better because you are starting with something that is not so beautiful and you’re changing it into something amazing. Seeing that end result will have to make you feel good.
Have a set Morning Routine- The hardest part of anything is getting started. I once heard if you haven’t started by 10:00 it’s probably not going to happen. Having a set morning routine gets you up and knowing exactly what you need to do to prepare for the day. Now of course weekends are different, but it’s nice to have a work week schedule. Here is an example of one I posted as well as one my friend Michelle from wrote.
Have a Hobby- I love to read. I always have about 4 books by my bed at any given time. Of course they are different types of genres, but I always have my nose into some kind of book. Being a former reading specialist is not something you can just turn off. However, this year I am trying my hand at calligraphy and flower arranging. I am already having a great time with these and it gives me something to look forward to in my down time.
Plan a trip for the Spring- You don’t have to have a big spring break trip planned. You could even plan a long weekend catching up with your college roommate. Having something to look forward to when the weather gets a little nicer makes it seem not that far off.
If you think you are depressed or don’t feel yourself seek medical attention immediately. I’m really looking forward to warmer weather and what this spring has to offer. We’re putting in an outdoor kitchen and I can’t wait to get out there and entertain this year.
Yours Truly,