25 Things About Me
I thought it was time we got to know each other a little better. Here is a
list of 25
facts about me. Please continue to interact and leave comments so I can
get to know you better.
1. I’m deathly afraid of clowns.
2. I met my husband on my first day of college.
3. I won a ton of coloring contests when I was younger, but I can’t draw at all.
4. My left foot is slightly bigger than the right one.
5. I’m obsessed with reading.
6. I can’t read in the car or I get really car sick.
7. I am a list person. After I mark several things off my list, I write a new one that’s all nice and neat.
8. I keep all my old calendars.
9. I got my belly button pierced after having my second child.
10. I worked at a water park when I was a teenager.
12. I have an amazing nephew that has a cochlear implant.
13. My wedding ring dates back to the 1950’s. It was cut by hand.
14. I started school when I was 4.
15. My freshman year of college I had to get 6 stitches on my brow bone.
16. In 2006, I wrote a preschool series called “Mommy Teach Me to Read.”
17. Pet peeves- When people use the wrong form of there and your. When people eat with their mouth open. When I see an used bandaid on the ground (especially at a water park). Remember I used to work at one.
18. I have insomnia so I do a lot of work at night.
19. When I travel, my carry on bag and purse weigh 25+ pounds.
20. I have a 5 pound teacup Maltese.
21. I don’t like watching shows at their regularly scheduled time. GO DVR, Netflix, Hulu!
22. My Master’s degree is in Reading Education. I am a certified K-12 reading specialist.
23. Every year we throw a huge 4th of July party. I do the planning and my husband does an amazing firework show at the end of the night.
24. I’m very competitive.
25. I didn’t get glasses until I was 24. Then I got Lasik.
Yours truly,

Hi, I think this blog is so amazing already. I would love to see some outfit ideas from you! Ii can already tell you have a great sense of style!
Sincerely, Marie
Thanks so much. I would love to do some outfits of the week and maybe some ideas for Christmas attire!