As a former teacher myself, I know what preparations are involved in getting the students ready for end of the year state wide tests, activities, and exams. I’m really looking forward to my kids being home in the summer. Sleeping in and not having our days so scheduled will be amazing. I thought this would be a great opportunity to show you some ideas if you are a teacher or room mom and are looking for cute “EOY” gifts for your students.
Sometimes you just need an inexpensive idea that will go a long way with the kids. This is a perfect one for teachers looking for a gift to give their students on the last day of school. You could use Rolos or 2 Twix bars. I chose to use the Twix bars. They were the perfect size and color for the owl’s body. You will need a clear bag, some colored paper, and the candy. Cut the nose, eyes and face shape. I just drew it freehand, but there are plenty of free printed patterns on pinterest. Then write the saying, “OWL” miss you, on the back of the owl face. I have used this with the kids I tutor for SOL training and it went over very well.

Here is a great idea for a room mom to use. All you need is a sand toy shovel and a baggy of the candy of your choosing. Take the baggy of candy and tie it to the shovel. Then write this saying on a piece of decorative paper, “Hope you DIG your summer.” I just think that is the cutest idea. Of course it would be best for kids in preschool or early elementary, but they would really get a kick out of that gift.

Lastly, use a mixture of starburst candies in a clear bag and write the saying, “Hope your summer is BURSTING with fun.” This is another gift that teachers or room moms could hand out on the last day of school or at the end of the year party. It would go over well and it is very inexpensive and really simple to make.

I hope some of these ideas gave you inspiration to finish out the school year with a bang. We only have a couple more days left and they always seem like the hardest to accomplish. I wish all of you a happy and safe summer.
Yours Truly,