If you read my Morning Routine post on Tuesday you know that I am not a morning person. I am definitely more productive in the evenings. I get a lot done when everyone is down for the night and I can get my jammies on and get right to writing and editing. There are some things I do to follow a nighttime routine of sorts. I like things to be put away so when I wake up in the morning the house is picked up and everything is fresh and ready to start another day.
Tidy Up for the Morning
I definitely do things that I feel will make the morning go smoother. I clean up from dinner and wipe down the counters. I put all the dishes in the dishwasher and run those so they can be drying over night. I make sure the house is picked up and ready for the morning. Lastly, I do one last load of clothes before going to bed.
Quality Time with Kids
The first thing I definitely have to do in the evening is have some quality face time with my kids. Due to after school activities we may not eat dinner together every night, but I definitely need to spend some time with them checking out their day and getting the scoop on all the details of what is going on in their lives. They are at an age where I really need to stay a big part of what is going on in their Iife. I can’t sleep well if I haven’t had quality time with my kids. I definitely believe if you haven’t done all the things you need to handle during the day it can affect your sleep.
Keep a Notebook by your Bed
I keep a notebook by my bed to jot down any ideas I have in the middle of the night or as I’m going to sleep. As a blogger, I am constantly thinking of ideas for posts so my mind wanders at night as I’m trying to unwind. Keeping a notebook by my bed helps me quickly get my thoughts down without using a computer or phone which can really hinder your sleep.
Keep Your Room Screen Free
I try to keep my room screen free after a certain time. I have had trouble with this in the past. When I have had trouble sleeping I would automatically grab for my computer and then that night’s sleep would pretty much be null and void. There was no way I was ever going to get sleep once I opened my computer. I would either start working or get into a Netflix show and both of those options are going to hinder sleep every time.
Have a Skincare Routine
I always clean my face to get all the make up off using Neutrogena wipes. I have very sensitive skin and these have worked for me for years. They are scent free and have never broken me out before like some other products. After this step, I moisturize with Clinique’s Moisture Surge Intense. This moisturizer has done the trick for me. I have tried several other products thinking other brands were more age appropriate for me, but I always go back to this one.
Ways to Relax
Some days have just been hard days. Either I’ve had a hard workout or just a rough day in general. On those kinds of days, I like to soak in the tub and take an Epsom Salt Bath. I always have this on hand for my son since he plays sports. It really is a great way to relax and prepare for bed. I find that I usually sleep well after I have had a relaxing bath. Check out how I use my bar cart in my bathroom as a spa retreat.
Read a Good Book
Lastly, I love falling asleep to a good book. Unfortunately, I am a book hoarder. I have a ton of reading material by my bed that I have yet to read. I often have a book folded over my chest in the morning when I wake up. Books to me are a leisurely way to calm my mind at the end of the day. I would love to fall sleep every night reading a book. You can check out my top ten favorite books here.
What are some of your nightly rituals and routines? Do we share some of the same habits? I would love for you to comment below. Check me out on my social media sites above.
Yours Truly,

More great tips, Jenn! I NEVER go to sleep without my nightly skincare routine and always need to relax with a good book. I do have trouble being screen free though because reading on my phone is so much easier! One other thing I try to do every night is reflect on my day and write at least 3 positive things that happened that day or that I’m thankful for.
xo – Michelle
Love the tip about the reflection time. Good way to end your day on a positive note.