Since Mother’s Day is right around the corner I asked some special moms to answer some questions for me about their families. Before I share those, I wanted to tell you a couple things that I have learned from my mom.
Christ is the center of everything I do. Life is not always fair and everyday is not going to go exactly the way I want it to, but putting God first gives me such hope and makes me think of the world in a brighter light. Have a positive attitude. You will definitely encounter negativity, but others are looking to us to put our best foot forward as an example. Our children are always watching and picking up everything we do. Of course we will make mistakes, but having positive people in our life gives us a better chance of being put in positive situations. Don’t break a promise. Keeping your word is very important. If you tell someone you will show up for something or you won’t tell anyone their deepest, darkest secret then you need to keep your word. Integrity is so important. Encourage each other and build each other up, 1 Thessalonians 5:11. This was my mom’s favorite bible verse when we were growing up. You don’t have to bring someone else down to make yourself look better. There is enough space for everyone to have a time to shine.
Let’s see how these moms answered some Mother’s Day questions. Also, get a look at some of these great pics from past and present.
What are you proud of your kids for? I’m Proud of my kids for the outstanding successful adults they have become. Both own their businesses and are extremely hardworking. Each family has given us two wonderful grandchildren of whom I am equally proud. God has so graciously blessed each member of our family and for that I am eternally thankful. I am happiest when we are all together as a family. – Barbara Ely (Darin’s mom)
What are you proud of your kids for? I’m proud of my kids because of the outstanding parents that they have become. I loved raising my girls. Best job I ever had. If you raise your kids right it takes a lot of time, effort and sometimes a few tears. But seeing the parents that they have become truly makes it all worth it. I have to say though that my girls were a pleasure to raise. We had wonderful years together and amazing memories. Again, best job I ever had!! Love my girls!
-Pat Waters (my mom)

What is your favorite activity you do with your kids? My favorite thing to do with my kids is just hang. I love when we’re all together eating dinner or just hanging together and sharing about our day. I feel like that is the time we are most “real” with each other. We can talk about anything and it doesn’t feel scripted or forced. Of course I love vacations and traveling as a family too. As the kids get older I will treasure any time we get to spend together.

Get in tons of pictures with your kids. Stop waiting to be ten pounds lighter, your hair to be longer, or the summer so you’re tanner. There is never going to be a perfect moment so jump in there with your kids and start making some memories. Have a great Mother’s Day.
Yours Truly,