Maybe you’ve been doing some organizing in January and you’re starting February with a clean slate. What an awesome feeling, right? However, due to the weather you may also have the winter blues. We were immediately hit with 13 inches of snow and stuck in the house for several days. How can you cope when life hands you a little too much and you’re just in a funk?
Don’t Choose to Do Nothing
There are things you can do to help yourself get out of a funk. You can brighten your home with some spring like items such as bright colored pillows, fresh flowers, and other accessories. Fresh flowers really brighten my day. Trader Joe’s has gorgeous flowers for great prices.
Don’t Procrastinate
If you have some projects hanging over your head go ahead and tackle them. Set a plan ahead off time so you have a schedule worked out of how long it will take you and stick to it as closely as you can. This will give you as sense of accomplishment when you complete each stage of the project. Set small goals at first until you have completed several of those.
Don’t Slack on Sleep
Coming from a true insomniac you don’t want to skimp on sleep. Everyone thinks I’m so organized. I am a type A personality, but mostly it’s because I don’t sleep much (not by choice). I get a lot done in the wee hours of the night when all is quiet in my home. Sleep is so important to good health. Did you know lack of sleep can actually make you gain weight? Yikes, now that’s a reason to catch some ZZZZZs.
Do Ask For Help
I’m not great at delegating. It is important for your sanity to give some tasks to other family members when things get too overwhelming. Plus your kids need to have responsibilities at your home anyway. They need to be able to go out into the world and be productive citizens and that is learned at home.
Do Have a Self-Care Plan
Are you taking care of yourself? Are you eating right, exercising, and doing some pampering activities? Even small things like lighting a candle makes me immediately happier. You can take 15-30 minutes to have a little down time to read a chapter in your book or take a bubble bath with a glass of wine. It doesn’t take long for these kinds of activities, but the benefits are amazing.
Do Vent
Find people to talk to. It might be family, friends, or even a professional. Whatever is too overwhelming may just need to be worked through with someone else. Sometimes even writing in a journal helps with the venting process.
I hope some of these tips will help you start off your new year by loving yourself and shaking off those winter blues.
Yours Truly,