I would say Instagram is my favorite social media to browse when I have time. It is just so pretty and quick to search through when I have a spare minute. However, it it the one I probably do the worst at posting pictures or keeping followers. I follow a large variety of genres from wedding, fitness, food, home decor, photography, and fashion. I really like to see a broad range of pictures when I’m scanning through my feed. Today’s post is going to give you my favorite feeds. They are really scattered and you may be surprised by the ones that interest me the most.

scstockshop– Shay is an amazing stylist. She styles and photographs desk items, flowers, and art supplies. I have purchased her work as a cover photo for my site. A lot of her color schemes are pink. They match my branding so you can imagine why I’m so drawn to her feed.
Dear Lillie– This feed is beautiful. She uses a lot of purple and gray. Purple is my favorite color. I used it in my wedding and I have always been drawn to that color. Her signs she sells are amazing and I love how her feed looks when you scan down and see it as a whole.
Sugar Paper LA– These ladies are my idols. They have such amazing tastes it must ooze out of their pores. I originally saw a picture of their office on pinterest and just had to know whose office it belonged to. They designed the amazing Target Christmas wrap for 2015. They also have a new office supply line coming out soon for Target. I love everything they do. Their colors match my branding so of course I love their feed.
Carly Cristman is the one fashion you tuber that I actually like. Her feed is black and white and I’m so obsessed with her. As part of her job she handles social media for brands and I just think that is the coolest job. Check out her feed and how the pattern looks from her fashion to her home decor.
Mochi and the City– I’m in love with Mochi the Maltese. She is more famous then most people on Instagram. She has more clothes than I do. I have a teacup Maltese and they really do look very similar. I haven’t found many dogs that look like my Cupi, but this one looks so much like her. I literally love this dog.
Inspire_Me_Home_Decor – this site has pictures that flat out make your jaw drop. I can’t believe some of the architecture and home decor that I see on this feed. Even if you’re not a fan of home decor, I bet you would still like this feed.
Sweet Bake Shop– This account has some amazing looking snacks, but the colors are what I really like. These pastels really make the site pop. I love how the colors look like cotton candy and the backgrounds are just as important as the food being displayed.
Pizzazzerie– Courtney does an amazing job of thinking up some of the best party ideas. This party stylist and author’s feed will make you want to drop everything and get your party on. Her pictures are so vibrant and gorgeous. She can’t take a bad photo.
Emily Jackson– Emily’s site has some great fashion, family, and travel pictures. I really like how her feed tells a story. she makes you want to get to know her and her family. I don’t follow many feeds like this where they tell a story and you want to get to know someone’s family, but this one is really authentic and I love everything she posts.
Fashionable Hostess– This is a newer find for me and I can’t believe I didn’t catch on earlier. Now that I found it I’m a die hard fan. I bet you will love it to once you catch a peek at Amanda’s feed.
the_real_houses_of_Ig– I’m sure you have heard of this site. With over 1M followers this site isn’t playing around. They have the best of the best homes and styled interiors that I’ve seen on Instagram. You can get tons of ideas on decor, paint colors, lighting etc… If you’re not already following you need to check it out.
healthyeating_jo– Jo’s feed is about the prettiest food you will come across. It makes me want to eat better and actually cook dinner instead of ordering out. I wish she was my personal chef.
I hope you found some interesting feeds throughout this post. Even though I love interior design it isn’t the only thing that inspires me. I love to have a huge variety of pretty pics to scan through at night. Check out some of these feeds if you want some inspiration. You can check out my instagram here. I would love to have you follow along.
Yours Truly,