I can’t believe we are already in August. There are school supplies everywhere. When I shop, I am in denial and just push my cart the other way. The summer is still in full swing for the Elys. We will be on vacation for the next two weeks so a lot of my obsessions will be geared toward traveling needs. Let’s get to the things that make me happy so we can start the weekend off right.
* I love shopping at Shop Sweet Lulu. They have amazing containers and I love ordering their concession containers for our fourth of July party. My family has premier parties and their movie holders come in quite handy for our theater room. Check it out…You won’t be sorry.
* I’ve been really loving anything caesar related. Caesar salads, caesar wraps and using caesar salad dressing as a dip for my veggies.

* If you haven’t tried the AROUND ME App you should get it. It’s totally free and it’s a lifesaver. Being out of town with two hungry teenagers looking for Chiptole is not good unless you have an app like this. It was great for me since I was very unfamiliar with the area I was in this past week. It allows you to find the places you may need such as a gas station, Target, drug store etc… Just a funny bit of info… In NJ you don’t pump your own gas. An attendant does it for you.
* I am a girl who loves bags. I have a ton of little duffles, over night bags and beach bags. This is one of my favorites. It is from target and cleans up easily. Best of all it was only $39.99

Another travel must have is the Travelo. One of my favorite summertime scents is Candy Baby by Victoria’s Secret. However, it’s in a huge bottle. So I take the little Travelo with me and transfer the amount of perfume I think I will need. Now I have a little, spill proof version of the real thing.

I love new products and if you’ve been to my site you may see a theme occurring. I’m OBSESSED with MINATURE products. I just love them. They are easy to travel with and they are just the cutest. I would love to know the things you’re loving right now. What books should I read? What make up or perfume should I try? Please comment below. They mean a lot to me. See you next week.
Yours Truly,

Hello my name is Elle and I LOVE your blog & love your perfume travelo. Elle
Thanks so much. I love having you as a follower. You should definitely get a Travelo if you travel a lot.