This week I want to talk about some of the books I completed while on vacation. I always have a couple books on my bedside table. If you’re looking for a good read you may want to check out one of these.
Book Talk
The Rumor by Elin Hillderbrand- This book is definitely an easy beach read. The story takes place during a summer on Nantucket and is based around two best friends and their families. Madeline and Grace’s friendship will be tested, a marriage will be shaken, and their children’s lives will also be affected by small town rumors. I really liked this book’s simplicity and storyline. It was the perfect book for me to take on vacation.
The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins- This is Paula’s debut thriller. This book will leave you on the edge of your seat wanting to keep reading well into the night. It’s a book that you won’t want to put down. I haven’t had one of those kind of books in a really long time. The book is written through the eyes of the three main female characters and told through their voice. With this style of writing, you really have to pay attention, but the author really pulls you in from the start.
Rachel, an alcoholic who’s just lost her job is still struggling with her divorce and doesn’t have a lot going for her. She loves riding the trains and seeing the same people day in and day out. Recent events lead her to believe something she saw may be of interest to the police. Is she a reliable source or did what she see really happen? It’s a must read if you’re looking for a suspense filled book that will keep you guessing until the very end.
Wonder by R.J. Palacio- This book is actually for young adults, but it is a really good book for all ages. My son read it in fifth grade and he knew I would love it. The story is about a deformed middle school student who is going into public school after being homeschooled all his life. It really is interesting to read about his journey at a time when no one is real sure of where they fit in.
The Life Changing Magic of Tidying up By Marie Kondo- I always look at September as my January. It is a new School year with new teachers, new school supplies, and new schedules. It is a great time to re-evalutate your resolutions and what is working in your life. This is the time of year that I like to set new goals for myself. It always feels like a fresh start for me. I’m reading this book at the perfect time. I’m bringing out all my fall items and I’m really trying to widdle down the piles of stuff in the house. I want to be a good example for the kids as well. When they see me being neater and organized they tend to do the same.
In the book, the key to keeping your space tidy is to first go through the house and discard items. I totally believe that. If you’re just moving things from one place to another it really defeats your purpose. We as a whole just have too much stuff. If we simplify our lives and take out something for every time we bring in something new it really would make a difference.
I hope you can find a book that meets what you’re looking for. Hopefully one of these books will end up being your new read. If you’re reading something that you can recommend please leave a comment below.
Yours Truly,