Do you start out strong in January setting goals and resolutions? You buy the new workout outfit, Hydro Flask, and gym membership and by mid-February you’re back on the couch watching Netflix in your sweats. The newness and excitement wears off and like every other year you’ve failed again.
First of all you need to set very defined goals. You need to be specific. Usually we aren’t clear on what we want. Until you can clearly write out what you want and how you are going to get there you won’t be able to see the big picture.
This year I chose a word of the year. You can check that post out here. Then I chose three goals that all can go under that word. I really have very specific things I’m working on this year and I can easily explain them and define them. Doing this narrows your focus so you’re not so vague. You can’t come up with a plan if you can’t even describe your own goals.
After you define your goals, you need to take a look back at the past year and do an honest assessment. If you skip this step you are going to have trouble fixing the things that you need to change. This is how you grow.
A big thing to think about with goal setting is are you ready? Can you take on something new at this time? Or are there things in your life that may need your attention more? Taking on something like weight loss or pushing yourself to take your business to the next level almost needs to become your passion for a while. Until you get the hang of what you’re doing and it becomes a regular habit or just a part of your daily routine. Set yourself up for success.
To get moving in the right direction you want to reward yourself and celebrate the wins no matter how small. Then build upon those until you have the victory. Don’t stop until you’re proud.
I hope this helps to give you an idea of how to get started this year in setting goals that will push you to get what you want. This year you are going to have a call to action and make it closer to your goals. good luck!