I recently posted a picture of my tree from last year to prepare for the upcoming holiday season and got some different questions. I thought I would do a holiday FAQ session and answer those questions that others have asked me in person and across social media. I would love it if you would share this post with your friends. They may get some good tips that will help them this season with their holiday decor.
Q. Â Do you let your kids help you decorate?
A.  My husband and kids really get into Christmas and the home decor. Sometimes I will say, “well I’m not going to put up that tree this year.” And they really make a fuss. So of course I always change my mind and put up all the trees. Even though I change things around I try to do the important things they like. They always do the “family tree” with our Hallmark and homemade ornaments. You know the ones you made at school when you were little. I leave the creative process to them on this tree entirely. I pretty much do the rest of the house with whatever theme I choose for that year.  That way everyone is happy.
Q.How long does it take you to complete a tree?
A.  This is hard to answer. The bigger the tree the more time it takes me. The thing that takes me so long is getting all my boxes out, putting them in the right rooms, and then pulling the trees out and fluffing them. Although, this is not my favorite part of decorating, fluffing your tree is the one thing that will make it look like a whole different tree.
There are some 9’ trees with large diameters that take me a couple days. Between putting it together, fluffing, decorating, and tweaking it, it is a huge job. But a 6 ½ foot tree would only take me like an hour and a half. I could whip that little guy out in no time. I would definitely set aside a couple hours where you could work on it without breaking. I think you would feel you really made a lot of progress then you could work on it here and there to finish it. Don’t forget to add something cute at the bottom.
Q. Â Do you decorate before or after Thanksgiving?
A.  This is the big question everyone wants answered. Since I blog, I always put my stuff up before Thanksgiving. I need time to decorate down to the smallest detail, photograph it all, and edit all my photos to upload on my blog starting at the end of November. However, I am lucky that my neighborhood is one that on average is filled with early decorators. I would say if you are hosting Thanksgiving at your home, continue to have some fall items up, but if you’re not hosting then go for it.
Q. Â Do you decorate trees for other people?
A.  I do. I mainly decorate for businesses, but have done some for residents that have asked me as well. Last year, I also worked with an amazing builder, Tara Preston, at her Homearama home. I helped decorate the Christmas portion of the house. My tree was showcased in the paper to advertise the event. That was a huge honor. I love Christmas decorating. It makes your home so festive and really makes me happy to do it for my family.
Good luck with all your decorating this holiday season.
Happy Holidays
Yours Truly,

Beautiful trees! I love the red! The color in the beach theme are perfect!!!AC
Thanks so much. No matter what theme I do I always tend to go back to the classic red every couple of years. I really enjoyed doing the coastal tree so I’m so glad you liked it.