I just returned from the Bash Conference in Phoenix and I learned a lot about blogging and met lots of new friends. These conferences are meant to get you motivated and set you in the right direction. They give you a little umph to kick yourself into gear and in this case, start the New Year off with a bang. Everyone is talking about organization and goal setting since it’s the New Year. I want to take it a step further and analyze what you think success looks like to you.
This subject is so subjective…. Everyone looks at success with a different set of criteria. Are you successful if you have the fancy car, big house, and six figure income? Or do you measure it by a beautiful family with 2.5 kids, a nice house with the white picket fence, a husband, and a stable career you love. Also, do you have spiritual balance and a good relationship with your spouse? All these things sound amazing… I wonder how many would be on your list to indicate success?
How Do You Measure Success?
We all have a certain criteria for different aspects of our lives. You may be pushing a little harder one year to advance your professional career while your spouse is giving a little more on the home front. I think the major thing to remember is BALANCE. Having balance in your personal and professional life seems to be the key to making most people happy.
The best way to achieve this balance goes back to setting appropriate goals for the different parts of your life that you are holding yourself accountable for. Then you know nothing will fall through the cracks and you’re juggling those balls and wearing as many hats as you can to the best of your ability. You just need to know when to say NO. It’s ok to not be the snack mom every party. My husband always says, “is this something you’re going to be thinking about 5 years from now?” If you can answer no, then the majority of the time it’s not worth worrying about. Enjoy this year and be the best version of yourself in 2016.
Yours Truly,