I don’t know about other areas, but in Virginia this yellow pollen started in March and is still around. It is definitely hanging around longer this year. Last year was my daughter’s senior year and she had her prom pictures at our house. I remember we had already opened our pool by this time to have everything looking beautiful for her pictures. We do not open our pool until this stuff is gone. We made that mistake one time before and we will never do that again. I thought it might be helpful to talk about a couple things we’re doing to keep the pollen out of our home. My son and I have asthma and horrible allergies so we have found these things to work in our household.
Ways to keep the pollen out of the home
Wipe off the dog’s feet when they come in. We started doing this when our dog was little just because she is white. However, I know this helps greatly when dealing with pollen. Dogs carry all kinds of stuff in the house on their feet and then jump on the furniture which transfers it to you and your stuff.
Vacuum frequently. Pollen comes in on your shoes, purses, clothing, and of course pets so vacuuming can help if done frequently enough.
Change your clothes after you work outside. It is always a smart idea to take a shower and change your clothing if you have been outside for a while and especially if you have been working out in the yard.
Keep the windows closed. The weather might be starting to feel like summer, but keep the windows closed. Pollen can blow in through the screens and cause you to have horrible allergy trouble. No one wants to be sneezing and coughing all the time.
I hope these tips will help you in finishing out this spring season and send you into the summer without any trouble with your allergies. Do you have any other tips or ideas that could save us from this problematic yellow pollen? Leave a comment below and let us know what helps in your household. Have a great week.
Yours Truly,