Over the next couple of weeks I’m going to be sharing a series on the topic of caring for yourself. I think January is a great time to start that because everyone is focused on being at their “best” and February is Valentine’s Day which promotes love. There will be four posts written about taking care of yourself and one will. be shared each week. I hope you will find these helpful and share them with your friends and family so they can also benefit.
Taking Care of Yourself
- Plan out your morning routine- I did a whole post on morning routines and how you can benefit from having one. Hopefully you can click on that and check that out as well. I have to tell you I’m not really a morning person because I stay up so late or I go to bed super early and I’m up in the wee hours of the morning. Either way, having a morning routine has made my mornings a lot easier because I know exactly what I’m supposed to be doing and it’s easier than just fumbling around like I used to do. I love lists and routines.
- Set weekly and monthly goals- This can be in your personal, professional, spiritual life etc… This is whatever you make it. I’m a super visual person so writing down goals and seeing them written down really helps me to accomplish what to get done. Also I think it makes it more of fan urgent matter when it’s written down and staring at you from your desk, phone, or bulletin board. This will also help you with those yearly and 5 year plans. You know those stupid where do you want to be in 5 year questions.
- Get rid of physical and mental clutter- for more organizational tips you can read some great posts here and here. I recently wrote a mental clutter post on Essentialism that I would love for you to check out. Christine Scalise said, “Clutter is the physical manifestation off unmade decisions fueled by procrastination,” I think that is totally brilliant. You can’t feel free to be your best self if you are surrounded by clutter.
- Don’t compare yourself to others- Comparison is the biggest way to lose your joy. I’ve always loved this quote, “you can’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle”. I apologize that I don’t know who originally said it because I have heard it so many times now in the blogging world, but it is so true. I see all these beautiful blogs and Instagram accounts and it’s so easy to get caught up in comparing yourself. However, you need to remember no one else has taken your journey and has your prospective on the world.
- Be Full of Gratitude- Everyone has their problems and things they are working on , but there is good in every day. Go to bed thinking of the things you are grateful for and be thankful. I like to say 3-5 things I’m grateful for before I go to bed. It just helps me end the day on a positive note. You can always say your family and your dog. Those are two things I’m so grateful for.
I hope you think about these things as you head into February. Are you taking care of yourself? Remember the speech they give you on the plane rides? If you should lose cabin pressure, put your mask on first and then help others. If you don’t take care of yourself there is no way you can keep going to help the others in your life. Have a great week!
Yours Truly,