What is Your Passion?
Is there something in your life that you are very passionate about? Something you just have to do to stay sane. I don’t mean a love for your family and friends or world peace. Of course we all put our family or our religious beliefs at the top of our priority list. However, in this case I’m talking about something that is just for you and gives you true joy. Pause here and truly think about something that makes you insanely happy. Something that gets you exciting to start a brand new day with a huge grin on your face. Well there are several things that I enjoy doing and some of them I’m kind of decent at.I enjoy decorating and party planning and I think I do a decent job at them. But that “something special” that I truly enjoy that people might not know about me, is the gift of MUSIC.
I love music. I love everything about it. I love the lyrics. I love the instrumentals. I love going to live concerts. I listen to all genres of music from classical to rap. I have immersed my children in different types of music as well. They know tons of songs from the 70’s on up to current chart topping hits on the radio. Here’s the kicker though….wait for it, wait for it.. I have no musical talent what so ever. I can’t sing at all. I am comfortable around my family singing in the car, but it is really our standing family joke that I’m quite horrible at singing. (They love me any way) 🙂 I did play the piano for 2 years and the clarinet for 2 years but that is the extent of my musical career. It is really sad that I’m SO bad at something I’m so passionate about. I guess as my favorite artist Taylor Swift would say, “Shake it Off.”
Taylor Swift’s 1989
If you haven’t already picked up Taylor Swift’s new album, 1989, stop what you’re doing and get one. She has really grown in her personal life since the RED album and it shows in her songs. On this album, she is speaking more about finding love, friends and her independence rather than break up songs where she is licking her wounds and we’re guessing which boyfriend she’s singing about. The album does have a pop vibe, but she was already headed in that direction on her last album so it didn’t come as much of a surprise. I really liked all the songs. A few of my favorites were; Style, Blank Space, Wildest Dreams, and Bad Blood. My sister and I are seeing her in concert again this year in Raleigh. We saw her and Ed Sheeran for the Red tour last year in Raleigh and it was a great concert. I’m really looking forward to going again.
Thanks for stopping by. Be glad you guys are not traveling with me or you would be hearing me sing. Let me know what you’re passionate about and if you’ve picked up any great albums I need to check out. I love hearing from you guys.
Yours Truly,