Easter is a holiday that gives me such hope. Not only are there my religious beliefs behind this holiday, but the timing of the year…
Working That Pop of Color Adding a pop of unexpected color to a room will give you an inexpensive design choice without sacrificing your style…
Stylish First Impression When someone steps into your home, you want them to feel welcome as soon as they walk through the door. Your entryway…
Where do I start? Styling bookshelves can be quite intimidating. I’ve been there before, staring at blank shelves with no clear vision or direction wondering…
Living Room Makeover I’m going to be doing several posts on the makeover of my living room. I’m going to show you the room and…
I’ve always wanted to do a New Year’s Eve table and just never have. We’ve always gone out with friends or done something low key…
I am so excited to be doing my first Christmas home tour. Thank you Kelly for opening your home and allowing me to participate in…
Our Christmas Traditions I was so excited this year to decorate and even more excited to share some of my home with you. I am…
I’m looking forward to hosting Christmas dinner this year. We usually eat at my mom’s house so I am very excited that I will be…
Table Decorations I love decorating for the holidays. In the Ely family, the holidays start at the beginning of October. I don’t do a whole…